- Condom Concierge
- Health Coaching
- Naloxone Distribution Project
- Resilience Lab
- Sexual Health Education
- Smoking/Vaping Cessation
- Substance Use Education
As of Spring 2023, naloxone and fentanyl strips are free to pick-up at the Student Health Services building through Health Promotion Services. Here you can submit a request form, which includes an informational video and knowledge check. This will need to be completed prior to pick-up.
Winter quarter pick up hours are Mondays from 12–3pm and Thursdays from 9am–12pm at Student Health Services. On the day of pick-up, please check in at the front desk and display your green thumb. Staff will then direct you to the pick-up location.
If you or someone you care about needs support around drug use or would like to learn more about harm reduction, check out our Health Coaching service. For questions, please contact
How to use a naloxone kit in the event of an overdose (PDF)
How To Use Naloxone - San Diego County Sheriff's Department from San Diego County Sheriff on Vimeo.
If ever there is an emergency, you are encouraged to call 911 immediately. UC San Diego has the Medical Amnesty Policy and the State of California has the Good Samaritan Law. These state that students who call for help and those who need help will generally not be sanctioned for violations associated with the incident.
Students are strongly encouraged to seek medical assistance for emergencies related to alcohol, controlled substances, COVID-19 tracing, or Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment by contacting the closest University or Public Official (e.g., R.A./H.A., Staff, law enforcement, etc.), campus police (858-534-HELP(4357)), or 911. Students who are afraid to seek help because of violations of the Student Conduct Procedures will not be subject to the formal student conduct process, so long as they are seeking help for themselves or others under the Medical Amnesty Program. For more information: Medical Amnesty Program (MAP).
Under California Health and Safety Code 11376.5, a person will not be charged with drug possession or use crimes if that person: acts in good faith, and seeks medical assistance/emergency medical services for another person experiencing a drug-related overdose. This law was designed to encourage a witness of a drug-related overdose to call 911 or seek emergency help in a timely manner to save the life of the overdose victim. For more information: Understanding California’s 911 Good Samaritan Law.
If so, please report the usage at this link. This will help us better understand how to serve the UC San Diego community. All responses are anonymous.